Scrum Framework

8 min readAug 4, 2021

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a framework that helps teams work together. Like coaching a rugby team for the big game (where it gets its name), it encourages scrum teams to learn through experience and organize themselves when working on a problem and reflect on their continual improvements in successes and failures. Although the scrum I speak of is often used by software development teams, its principles and lessons can be applied to all types of teamwork. This is one of the reasons why scrum is so popular. Often referred to as the Dynamic Project Management Framework, Scrum describes a set of meetings, tools, and roles that help shape and manage their tasks. Scrum is a framework for developing and maintaining complex products. Scrum is a framework in which people can solve complex adaptive problems while delivering the highest possible value products productively and creatively. Scrum has been a process framework used to manage complex product development since the early 1990s. Scrum is not a process or technology for making products; Instead, it is a framework in which you can use different processes and techniques. The scheme specifies the relative effectiveness of your product management and development methods so that you can improve. The scrum framework contains scrum teams and their associated roles, events, artwork, and rules. Each element within the framework serves a specific purpose, which is essential for the success and use of the program.

Scrum is an active development method used in software development based on repetitive and incremental processes. Scrum is a flexible, fast, flexible and effective framework designed to deliver value to the customer throughout the development of the project. The primary goal of the program is to satisfy customer demand through transparency in communication, collective responsibility and continuous improvement. Development begins with a general idea of what needs to be built, and describes a list of characteristics that are tailored to the product owner’s preferred preference (product backlog).Scrum is a process framework used to manage product development and other knowledge activities. It provides a way to establish a theory about how they think something will work, to test it, to reflect on the experience, and to make appropriate changes. That is, when the framework is used properly. The scrum is designed to allow teams to integrate training from other frameworks that make sense for the team context.

A brief History on Scrum

The history of the scrum can be traced back to 1986 in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) article entitled “New Product Development Game” by Hirotaka Takuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka. This article describes how companies such as Honda, Canon, and Fuji-Xerox are producing new products around the world using a measurable and team-based approach to product development. This approach underscores the importance of empowering self-organized teams. This article was an inspiration for developing many of the ideas we now call scrum. Scrum is a term derived from rugby, which refers to how the game resumes after a foul or when the ball is abandoned. In 1993, Jeff Sutherland and his team at Easel Corporation integrated the concepts of the 1986 article into object-oriented development, empirical process control, interactive development, incremental, and software process development software development processes. Improving productivity, as well as the development of complex and dynamic systems.

Scrum Methodology & Process

Scrum is precisely an evolution of agile management. Scrum methodology is based on highly defined exercises and roles that must be involved in the software development process. It is a flexible methodology that rewards the application of 12 dynamic principles when accepted by all team members in the product.

The scrum is performed on short and periodic temporary blocks called sprints, usually lasting 2 to 4 weeks, which is a term for feedback and reflection. Each sprint is an entity, i.e. it gives an absolute result and should be able to be delivered to the client with the least possible effort when a variation of the final product is required.

A list of objectives / requirements for preparing a project plan is a starting point for this process. The client of the project prioritizes these goals in terms of the balance of value and its value, thus determining repetitions and subsequent deliveries.

On the one hand the market demands quality and fast delivery at low cost, for which a company must be very dynamic and flexible in the development of products, to achieve short development cycles that can meet the demand of the customers without compromising the quality of the result. . This is a very easy method to implement and it is very popular for the quick results you get.

Scrum methodology is mainly used for software development, but other areas also take advantage of this method by implementing this method in their marketing, marketing, and organizational models such as HR teams.

Different Roles in Scrum

In the program, the team focuses on building quality software. The owner of a scrum project focuses on defining what features the product should be built on (what to build, what not, in what order), and to overcome any obstacles that hinder the task of the development team.

The Scrum team consists of the following roles:

Scrum Master: The person who leads the team to follow the rules and procedures of methodology. Scrum Master works with the product owner to minimize project interruptions and maximize ROI. The Scrum Master is responsible for keeping the Scrum up-to-date, providing guidance to coaches, and training the team if needed.

Product Owner (PO): Represents the shareholders and customers who use the software. They focus on the business side and are responsible for the ROI of the project. They translate the vision of the project to the team and validate the benefits of the stories to be included in the product backlog and prioritize them regularly.

Team: At the beginning of each sprint they are a group of professionals with the necessary technical knowledge to develop a project that will jointly implement the stories they are committed to.

Benefits of Scrum Methodology

Scrum has many advantages over other dynamic development methods. It is currently the most widely used and trusted framework in the software industry. Below are some of the known benefits of Scrum:

Easily Scalable: Scrum processes are repetitive and manageable over specific work periods, which makes it easier for the team to focus on specific activities for each period. Not only does it give teams the advantage of getting better deliveries tailored to the user’s needs, but also the ability to scale modules consistently, transparently and simply with functionality, design, size and features.

Compliance with expectations: The client sets their expectations by indicating the value provided by each requirement / history of the project, the team calculates them and with this information the product owner establishes its priority. Regularly, at sprint demos, the product owner verifies that the requirements have been met and provides feedback to the team.

Flexibility to change: Quick response to changes in customer needs or needs created by market developments. The methodology is designed to adapt to changing needs that involve complex projects.

Market reduction time: The client can use the most important functions of the project before the product is fully ready.

High Software Quality: The method of operation and the need to obtain a working version after each iteration helps to obtain high quality software.

Timing Prediction: With this methodology, we know the average speed of the team using sprint (story points) and, as a result, can estimate when a certain activity will still be available in the backlog.

Risk Reduction: Performing the most valuable activities first and knowing the speed at which the team is advancing on the project allows you to eliminate risks effectively in advance.

Events in Scrum

Each scrum event facilitates the adaptation of certain aspects of the process, product, progress or relationship.

Sprint: Scrum is the basic unit of work of a scrum team. This is the main feature that marks the difference between the active development scrum and other models.

Sprint Planning: The goal of sprint planning is to define what is going to be done in sprint and how it is going to be done. This meeting takes place at the beginning of each sprint, which defines how to approach the project from the product backlog stages and timelines. Each sprint has different features.

Daily Scrum: The goal of the Daily Scrum is to evaluate progress and trends until the end of the sprint, coordinate activities, and make a plan for the next 24 hours. This is a short meeting that takes place daily during the sprint period. I personally answer three questions: What did I do yesterday? What am I going to do today? What help do I need? The Scrum Master should try to resolve any issues or obstacles that may arise.

Sprint Review: The goal of Sprint Review is to show what work has been done regarding product backlogs for future deliveries. The finished Sprint has been reviewed and should already have clear and unambiguous progress in the product to be presented to the client.

Sprint Retrospective: The team reviews the completed goals of the completed sprint and writes down the good and bad so that mistakes are not repeated. This step helps to implement improvements from the perspective of the development process. The goal of Sprint Retrospective is to identify possible process improvements and create a plan to implement them in the next Sprint.

Scrum Artifacts

Scrum Artifacts are designed to guarantee the transparency of key information in decision making.

Product Backlog (PB): A product backlog is a list that collects everything a product needs to satisfy potential customers. It is product-oriented and prioritizes activities as they become less and less important to the business. The goal is for the product owner to answer the question of “what to do”.

Sprint Backlog (SB): This is a subcategory of product backlog items that the team has chosen to perform during the sprint they are going to run. The length of each sprint is determined by the team. The sprint backlog is usually displayed on physical boards called scrum boards — this is visible to anyone entering the development area.

Enhancement: The sum of all the work, usage cases, user stories, product backlogs, and all the components developed during Sprint is made available to the end user in the form of software.

The scrum is simple. This is the opposite of a large collection of interrelated compulsive components. Scrum is not a methodology. Scrum implements the scientific method of experience. Scrum replaces the heuristic approach with a programmed algorithm approach that respects people and self-organization for solving unpredictable and complex problems.

